
Systems Biology Summer School, SBSS 2013

Systems Biology is an interdisciplinary field that focuses on the complex molecular interactions within biological systems. Combining high-throughput data acquisition with computational modeling, Systems Biology joins experimental and theoretical efforts to understand biological functions. The Summer School offers an introduction to the interdisciplinary aspects of Systems Biology by emphasizing its foundations in biochemistry, biomathematics, and bioinformatics. Six half-day courses give an overview over state-of-the-art experimental and modeling techniques as well as future challenges.


Epigenetics meets mathematics: Towards a quantitative understanding of chromatin biology, Leonie Ringrose, IMBA, Vienna

A computer science perspective on systems biology, Ezio Bartocci, Vienna University of Technology

Dynamical systems for systems biology, Josef Hofbauer, University of Vienna

Eligibility: Applications are accepted from undergraduate and graduate students in the Natural Sciences, Mathematics, and Computer Science.

Application requirements: (i) a current CV including a description of your educational status and (ii) a statement of your motivation to participate in the summer school.

Fees and housing: Tuition, meal, accommodation, travel cost are free for students from Czech Republic (except for the Prague faculties).
For other students and participants : Tuition is free, accommodation/meal will be specified

Date: July 27-30, 2013

Language of tuition: English

Online registration

Location: Chateau of Nove Hrady, South Bohemia, Czech Republic.

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